About Us

We are based in the quiet Somerset town of Wincanton, probably best known for its racecourse and the lorries bearing the logo of the logistics company "Wincanton" that one sees regularly on roads throughout the country, although their headquarters are no longer here.

We are a small and friendly club of about 15-20 members and are always pleased to welcome all - beginners or more experienced photographers alike - who share our enthusiasm for picture making. We have a varied programme of competitions, talks, practical sessions, etc.. We also have an annual exhibition for a fortnight in Wincanton Public Library during the summer, when we display examples of members' work based on the entries for the previous season's competitions.

The club is a member of the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) which comprises about 100 clubs in the southwest, from Bristol and Devizes in the North to Penzance and Dorchester in the South. This gives us the opportunity to compare our work with other local photographers and we work hard to match the high standard set by other clubs in the Federation. We are also affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) through the WCPF.

Our photographic interests are varied. Most members now shoot digitally, but film use is equally acceptable (prints can be produced by either method for our competitions). In line with national trends slides were abandoned at the end of the 2007/2008 season. They have been replaced by digitally projected images since the 2008/2009 season.

Club meetings are held on alternate Wednesdays during our season, which runs from September to May. From February 8th 2023 we will meet in the Wincanton Memorial Hall, Wincanton, BA9 9JF, starting at 7.30 pm.
Google map satellite image
There is lots of free parking adjacent to the Hall in the car parks. There is even a charging point if you have an electric vehicle.

The nature of the meetings varies from week to week. Like most camera clubs we run several internal club competitions throughout the season. Currently at least two of these have an Open theme, whilst the others will generally have a specific subject. We also take part in inter-club competitions with other clubs in the area. By way of a change from looking at our own work, we have a number of illustrated talks and demonstrations by photographers from outside the club. These are always of great interest and present a good opportunity to learn from the skills of others. For more details on our programme for the current season, click on the Programme link at the top of this page.

Joining the club
New members are always welcome. If you are interested in becoming a member please come along to one of our meetings, or go to the Contact Us page if you want to get in touch.

There is an annual subscription for membership, reduced for a new member's first year or for country membership, and a small payment per meeting attended.

Club history
The club was founded in the late 1950s, although the exact date has got lost in the mists of time. We'd like to know more about our club's history, so if there are any former members who have any knowledge of the club's history reading this we'd be delighted to hear from you.

We were recently contacted by Michael Hill who, with his Dad, was one of the very earliest members of our club. The following is the text from his e-mail:
" From: Michael Hill
Sent: 16 April 2019 16:22
Subject: RE: Founder members
In reply to email sent to me by your secretary.
Thank you for your reply. I have very happy memories of going with dad from Mere Wilts on the back of his motorbike to the yard at the Cow and Gate milk factory where we met up for each Sunday outing. Approx four a year .In the yard alongside the one way system was a very nice cottage where Mr and Mrs Foulkes lived. They seemed to be running the show and were quite posh and me and dad travelled on the outing in their car. Usually five or six cars in total.

I'm afraid it is not a portfolio as a half a dozen of his exhibition prints that I rescued after his death. I was not involved very much in what happened to his darkroom and stuff that was there, which I regret, now being more interested in photography. He was W.F.Hill (Bill) and was the photographer for Mere doing Christenings and weddings, also was very involved in the Dr Longbourne first book of Mere doing all the copies of old documents and photos to be used in the book which took him a great deal of time. This was done in his own time at no cost but after the book went to press two copies were presented, one to the Queen, one to dad.

The Youings were a family of Mr Ken Youings, his wife and three boys. I suspect that Ken has now passed away but as far as I know at least one of the boys is still in Castle Cary They were all there in the early years of the club as well. The first pic is of Ken Youings called human nature because of the sign on the wall. The second which is actually larger was entered in the 1953 exhibition. Picture three Label on the back. Hope this helps and I would like to meet up somewhen to chat. I was a member of your club quite a few years ago but my life has taken some twists and turns. Have a sort of website, not very good but shows a few of my pics during our travels of Europe. www.meetthemickarchies.co.uk if interested. "

Image of Ken Youings Image of two girls Image of exhibition acceptance label

Wincanton Camera Club Constitution
(As of the AGM May 18th 2022)

1. The club shall be known as the "WINCANTON CAMERA CLUB" (WCC) and shall be affiliated through the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB).

2. The objectives of the club are to improve the photographic skills of members by the exchange of ideas and peer group instruction and, in so doing, to promote the art and craft of photography for the enjoyment of its members, and to display their work to the wider public. The club shall arrange venues where members can meet socially and hold meetings of a practical and technical nature.


4. A committee meeting quorum shall consist of three committee members.

5. The annual subscription shall be payable on application for membership and thereafter annually at the first meeting of the club. Visitors invited by individual members of the club shall pay a fee for every event attended. The amount of subscription and fee shall be determined by the committee and shall be the subject of approval by the members at the AGM.

6. Membership of the club is open to all adults 18 years old or over, regardless of gender, race, creed or sexual orientation. However, the club shall have the right to refuse membership or terminate the membership of any member bringing, or likely to bring, the club into disrepute.

7. The committee shall be elected each year at the AGM and all committee members shall be fully paid up members of the club. The current committee shall stand down each year and its members shall be considered for re-election only if they have been formally proposed and seconded by club members. Preferably no committee member shall serve continuously in the same post for more than five years.

8. The committee shall meet as necessary.

9. The equipment owned by the club shall only be loaned to members of the WCC.

10. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in May of each year and all members shall be given an agenda at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.

11. Nominations for committee posts, including the name of the proposer and seconder, shall be submitted to the Administration Secretary at least 48 hours before the meeting.

12. Members unable to attend the AGM may forward their votes on any proposition in writing to the Administration Secretary at least forty-eight hours before the meeting.

13. All motions for consideration at the AGM shall be sent to the Administration Secretary at least twenty-one days before the meeting.

14. The committee shall be permitted to co-opt a member, as necessary. Members shall be given the opportunity to vote on the appointment at the first available ordinary meeting of the club.

15. The committee may propose a current member for the honorary post of Life Vice Chairman in recognition of services to the Club over a period of time. Such a proposal must be supported by a majority vote of members at the AGM or an EGM. Life Vice Chairmanship does not confer ex-officio membership of the Club Committee.  More than one member may be accorded this honour concurrently.

16. The financial year shall end on the 30th April and a balance sheet be prepared for approval at the AGM. The club's bank account shall be operated on the authority of two out of three authorised signatories when the amount exceeds £100.

17. In the event of the dissolution of the club, the remaining assets shall be donated to the WCPF.

18. Amendments to these rules shall be made either at the AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened at the request of at least five members of the club and by signed application to the Administration Secretary.

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